
33 years old

10 years of experience

Speaks Nepalese, English, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali, and quitre good French


He was born and grew up in Nepal, in the hilly and wooded region of Chitwan.

His parents were farmers, doing subsistence farming : they were selling the surplus of rice and lentils to buy firstly salt, and depending on the years, also clothes and school supplies for the children.

Despite this modest lifestyle, he had a very happy childhood with his brothers and cosins living in the same town, playing in the fields, in the forest, and in the jungle.


After finishing school, he immediately faced the necessity of earning money to help his family : after spending a few months in Kathmandu, he went to India to join his uncle, hoping to find work there.

A year later, he was back in Nepal and found a visa to go work in Saudi Arabia as driver/seller.

He stayed one year only because he was not satisfied with his life and work environement.

Back in Nepal, he wanted to go abroad again, and found the opportunity to come work in Oman for Al Maalam Tours : he was first in charge of cleaning, preparing and maintining the equipment.

He got the opportunity to get to know people from various backgrounds (arabs, europeans, south asians).

He then went to work in a newly opened mountain hut : Bait Bimah.


When Al Maalam Tours closed in 2017, he kept on working in the mountain hut as manager and took part intensively to its nice developpment.

He also got opportunity to work in different other hotels at that time.

And he started to take guests to the canyon and mountain hikes near the hut.

During these years, he also learned many languages : arabic, bengali, french, and a buit of pachtoun.

When Ibrahim and Antoine decided to reopen Al Maalam Tours in 2021, he decided to come to help them.

Responsible for logistic organisation, he also goes on all kind of tours as driver/helper, and starts to guide a few tours in places he knows well.


The following of the story happens now, and will we written in a few years…