
51 years old

22 years of experience

Speaks French, English, German, Italian, and a little Arabic


Rachel is born on the swiss shore of Lake Geneva.

Very active and funny little girl, she spent a lot of time by her grand-fathers in the countryside climbing trees, hiding among haystacks, hanging out with cycle, roller-skating, swimming in the river, and eating ice creams.


After high-school, she started to work as an animateur for mountain school trips.

She then did several small jobs (among which, ski teacher) for 8 years.

It allowed her to express her social personality and to start travel to see other parts of the world and discover other cultures .


She continued her social commitments : working with families of the so-called “fourth-world”, taking part to human rights projects in Palestine/Israel and in Sri-lanka, and helping foreign new-comers in Switaerland.

In 2009, after finishing her higher education, she came for first time in Oman and met Ibrahim and Antoine.

Since then, she comes back to Oman evry winter.

Nowadays, Rachel still performs different activities : managing Horizons Nature, a school that she created to train mountain leaders in Switzerland, giving french lessons to foreigners, her mountain projects in the Alps and in Oman, and some guided visits at the UNESCO village of Lavaux.

It’s the time of transmission and for the projects that she really give importance to.


The following of the story happens now, and will we written in a few years…